That’s impossible to do… right?

That is a tricky thing to do. I don’t know if you’ve ever laid in bed at night, unable to sleep, thinking of something or several things you would face tomorrow, and unable to sleep. Over the years, I’ve noticed that my subconscious mind takes over just before I fall asleep. I may have pictures of faces or falling into deep outer space at night. So, what does this have to do with Hell?

At some point, most of us have heard of people who have died and come back from the other side. They all have had a wonderful experience and painted a glorious picture of what heaven looks like. Gorgeous colors, unexplainable, and things unimaginable in our human experience, of course, so because they were in the presence of God… or at least somewhat close to His proximity!

Much has been written in the Bible by the prophets and men and women regarding Heaven or Paradise, whichever you prefer, but little is mentioned regarding hell! Only two words define hell in the original manuscripts. “Hell” occurs 54 times in 54 verses in the KJ Bible from Deuteronomy 32:22 to 2 Peter 2: 4. In the Hebrew manuscripts, there is only one word for hell. It is šᵊ’ôl pronounced sheh-ole’ meaning underworld, grave, hell, pit-the abode of the dead, place of no return, found in the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance address (St.# H7585).

There are two words in the Greek manuscripts that define hell. One is found under the (St.# G86 & the other under St.#G1067). St.# G86 hadēs,
pronounced hah’-dace, meaning: name Hades or Pluto, the god of the lower regions. Orcus, the nether world, the realm of the dead, later use of this word: the grave, death, hell. The other Greek word for hell is, geenna, pronounced; ghee-en-nah, meaning hell, fire, a place or state of eternal punishment! This idea or concept originated from what the Hebrew inhabitance of Jerusalem viewed over the South gate towards the valley of Hinnom, where their garbage pit was. The stench of dead animals cast into the fire, along with the city’s garbage, gave them their picture of what Hell looked like!

If there were no creator, everything would be gray!

I can’t put it much simpler than that! That is a different debate for a different time, back to What’s Hell Like? I Googled “What’s Hell Like. ” Of course, today, man’s invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is involved in making up our minds for us, leaving out the creator, whoever you’ve decided to make that! Here is what came up! I hear many faithful Christians debate on the nature of hell. I believe that hell is like what Jesus said it to be, and …

Top answer:

I imagine it’s like a huge plain lake of fire, not quite lava but fire, and all
around …
What is hell like? : r/religion
Sep 17, 2024
What is hell actually like? : r/Christianity
May 11, 2016
What is Hell really like? : r/Christianity
May 1, 2017
Hell doesn’t exist in the Bible. : r/DebateReligion
Mar 1, 2023
I like that Hell doesn’t exist, but let’s dig deeper and get God’s perspective
using God’s word… the K. J. Bible!


The Bible gives an account of Satan’s downfall during the first Earth Age. You may have yet to be introduced to the term Earth Age. Please don’t feel bad because millions of Christians have not been taught the dispensation of time and the Three Earth ages. Millions are led to believe it’s some theory.

There are no theories when God is involved, only the TRUTH! There are keywords in the Bible that prove incredible destruction occurred to this Earth before Genesis 1: 1. It’s found primarily in Jeremiah chapter 4: 17-to the end of that Chapter… but there are 78 Bible verses in the KJ Bible that address three different ages! Billions of souls existed on Earth millions of years ago, way before the account of the beginning found in Genesis 1:1.

The fall of Satan was caused when Lucifer led one-third of God’s children in a rebellion against God’s Kingdom here on Earth. This same thing is taking place here on Earth as I write this! We are dealing with rebellious souls! The first dispensation of time is called the first Earth Age, when Satan led onethird of God’s children in a rebellion. Lucifer attempted to overthrow God’s government. Millions of Christians are not taught that our Father Recreated this Earth from the destruction caused by a catastrophic event that knocked this earth from its axes! That event caused the magnetic North and true North to be 90 miles apart, which is not a Theory but a fact!

Millions of Christians believe this was caused by God the Father releasing the Firmament from above the Earth! This is documented in some of the early Hebrew writings! That event was when our Father destroyed the first Earth age. However, He did not want to eliminate any of His children, so He removed billions of souls and took them to be with him into Paradise or Heaven, whichever you prefer. God did not want to destroy even the one soul that rebelled against Him, so He only destroyed that Earth age.

Satan’s rebellion caused the first Earth Age to come to an abrupt, sudden STOP! Satan [the Dragon] is rebellious against God’s government and is to this day. A war broke out, and we can read about it from Jeremiah 4: 19 to the end of that chapter. I’m one of those Christians who believe God released the Firmament (a cosmic ocean) from above the Earth to destroy that first Earth age. Because of this rebellious act, Satan signed his death warrant!

However, God would use Satan to see if he could do this again during this second Earth. Therefore, Satan has been allowed some freedom to test our Father’s children again. All souls are sent to Earth to be tested and to see if they will serve and follow God or Satan. God’s redemption through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ is what our Father intends for those who enter into His kingdom here on Earth. The salvation of mankind will not be complete until Jesus Christ returns and sets up his reign for a thousand years and then comes judgment. This means the King of Kings will instruct those here on Earth for a thousand years! Note this because that thousand-year period is not when anyone will goof off and miss school! Jesus Christ will instruct everybody, and certain souls chosen before the world’s foundation will assist Christ in his instruction!

Remember, during this earth age, Jesus Christ came to earth at the sound of the seventh trumpet of God to rid His Kingdom of evil that transpired during
the sixth trumpet of God sounded. But no one will be judged until after the thousand-year reign of Christ because our Father is designing a new Jerusalem for all who overcome Satan. This will come down from heaven at the end of Christ’s thousand-year millennial reign on Earth. At the very end of Jesus’ reign, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement of God, when all souls will be judged, and those who chose to follow Satan will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire.

First off, did you know Satan has several names!

He’s known as the Accuser, Ababbon, Apollyon, the Adversary, the Angle of Light, the Angle of the Bottomless Pit, Lucifer, the Dragon of Old, the Antichrist, Death, the Devil, the Serpent, and the Antichrist! The Antichrist is seldom attached to Satan’s name because millions of Christians believe the Antichrist is a flesh-and-blood man!

Here’s what happens to Satan when the sixth trumpet of God sounds!

Revelation 12: 8-9, : 8-And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. : 9-And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. This transpires on the sixth trumpet of God, and Satan is cast from heaven to Earth to heal the deadly wound of the Beast (666), and one of its four heads is the World Wide Digital Banking System!


Satan’s final judgment will occur in front of everybody, meaning every living soul, including those he deceived, will witness his demise and destruction as God consumes him with a fire from within! Documentation found in Ezekiel 28: 18-Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the enormity of thy trafficking; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the Earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

NOTE: This action occurs (de facto) here on planet Earth! In this passage of Scripture, we see God as a consuming fire; documentation is also found in: (Deuteronomy 4: 24 & Hebrew 12: 29) turning Satan into ashes from within. Satan is turned into a puff of smoke from within, just like when a drop of grease hits hot coals on an open flame! Satan’s soul will be consumed by fire, destroying his soul and spirit and blotting him out forever as though he never existed!

There will be no remembrance of him; he’s gone, vanished KAPUT done away with, in a puff of smoke, and is never seen again! Also, Satan’s angels, who left their first habitation and impregnated the daughters of Adam in an attempt to pollute Adams’s seed line, that Christ would come through will go up in SMOKE as well.

These angels were not born of women, meaning they were born again and they came here illegally. Documentation found in Jude 1: 6-And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains unto the judgment of the great day. That great day is the day of “THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT,” found in Revelations 20: 11-15.


A word to the wise is sufficient, and “YES,” this warning is to all false prophets who preach and teach lies, including this “RAPTURE” notion. Lies make babies! When reading the KJV version of the Bible, we find in Ezekiel 13: 18-23 a stern warning to everyone who falsely teaches God’s children, especially those who end up mistakenly worshiping Satan, thinking he is Jesus Christ or God. Sadly, even some Christians end up doing that. God’shand of judgment will be on them as well.


The NIV Bible provides an example where Wishful Thinkers changing the word “souls” into “birds flying.” Rather than listening to God, they listened to men, and God’s message was lost in the NIV interpretation! The KJV describes this false Rapture doctrine and those who (in God’s eyes) have come up with another form of salvation! They are covering up God’s outstretched saving hands, teaching His children to fly to save their souls.

Because of this, the RAPTURE notion has become traditional teaching within the evangelical community; sadly, it is simply another one of Satan’s lies! This lie has become one of the greatest deceptions that Satan has up his sleeve, making millions of Christians think they’re helping God. When in reality, they’re hurting God’s people, falling for Satan’s deception! God never blesses confusion, especially when men believe some demonic lie that was conceived and then brought forth from Scotland. Confusion is always from Satan, the Devil, and it’s one of his games.


This false prophecy (promise)was created around 1830 when Margaret McDonald dreamed about her flying away from tribulation right out of Satan’s Arsenal and playbook.

Christians must understand that Satan comes to Earth on the 6th. Seal, the 6th vile, when the sixth trumpet of God sounds announcing these events. This is when Michael, one of God’s archangels, cast Satan the Devil from paradise or heaven.

The Bible says that Satan deceives the whole world, documentation found in Revelation 12:9 and Mark 13. 2 All except God-elect are not misled or deceived. Documentations are found in Matthew 24: 24:” But for the elect’s sake, those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved.” No one has authorized God’s election to judge anything written in Scripture because it’s all God-breathed and useful for teaching. Please don’t shut your ears to the facts that will lead you to a genuine understanding of this rapture plot that Satan created!

Your very soul could depend on receiving this information!

We read in Thessalonians chapter 2 that Satan comes to Earth first, beforeChrist’s return. Jesus comes back on the farthest trump out, meaning on the 7th. or the last trumpet. If what we’re preaching or teaching causes anyone to end up worshiping the (false Christ), meaning the Antichrist, we will be held accountable and responsible for losing their eternal soul in the second death! However, this requires that THEY END UP WORSHIPING THE FALSE CHRIST!

Judgment begins at the pulpit (1 Peter 4:17). I certainly don’t want to stand before God our Father at the Great White Throne Judgement, answering for any souls I’ve taught deceptive lies. Nowhere in the Bible do I read of a third coming of Jesus Christ, so why would Christians be taken off this planet? This planet is where God’s kingdom has been; it is now and will be throughout eternity, as documentation is found in (Ephesians 3: 21 & Revelation 21: 1-27).


Just as God the Father rejuvenated this world after the first earth age, God will do this again after the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. After the Millennium, Jesus Christ will hand over the keys to His Kingdom to God the Father as the apostle Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15: 51-Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.”

As some falsely teach because they changed the meaning of Scripture (but the reality is)… we are all changed into spiritual bodies, the good, the bad, and the ugly, regardless of who we are. This is not simply speaking of Christians! No flesh and blood bodies will exist during Jesus Christ’s Millennium reign. All created souls will have had an opportunity to live once in the flesh. The flesh is done away with!

The Millennium is a thousand-year period in which God’s elect will be allowed to study under Jesus Christ. God’s elect will be allowed to teach others the mysteries of God and feed them the mysteries of Jesus Christ; WHY? Because many Christians have never been taught correctly, the facts are written. Some Christians are learning things that led them away from God’s saving grace, and many sit in pews their entire life and never hear the good news. Those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior will say WOOPS!

What happens to Them is Entirely up to God the Father!

As faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we shouldn’t just go along to get along; we need to do a better job searching the scriptures and asking our Father to help us find and see the truth. We need the Holy Spirit to help us do a better job of exploring the Scripture in-depth. We must learn God’s word with understanding and forsake the traditions of men. God our Father is not a God of confusion; no, Satan is! Don’t simply believe some popular view because it sounds good; use some common sense.

Do you think Jesus Christ would fly billions of souls off planet Earth whenthis is where He’s setting up his eternal Kingdom? Do you believe God’sHoly Spirit is removed from Earth? If removed, what chance would anyonehave to be saved? We read in Revelation 19: 20-And the devil that deceivedthem was cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and thefalse prophets are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.POOF, Satan goes up in SMOKE!


This beast that the Bible talks about here is the one world system, consisting of four hidden dynasties that Satan used to confound this world through deceptions! This dynasty consists of this world’s political, financial, educational, and religious entities; the worst culprit is RELIGION! God is not a lake of fire, nor is God brimstone; however, God can appear to be anything He wants to be: “I am that I am,” was stated by God to Moses from a burning bush, yet God is not a burning bush. However, fire is symbolic of destruction, and Satan’s world will be destroyed with fire…W but not this physical world. documentations found in (Exodus 3:1& 4: 23).

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. Both of these were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. (Revelation 19:20:And the devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. (Revelation 20:19).

We read in Revelation 20:14-And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death.

Notice: HELL is also the Lake of Fire (POOF)… Souls go up in a puff of smoke forever and ever. God’s consuming fire (Hebrews 12: 28-29). Not to be in the presence of God, once you’ve been there… would be cause enough for torment forever and ever! Satan and his angels are in agony now, just knowing that they will never spend eternity with God, and all of these souls (spirit beings) had a high place in God’s kingdom at one time. However, these souls are in torment, awaiting eternal death, the second death… meaning the death of one’s soul!

Jesus said in Matthew 10: 2-And fear, not them which kill the body (the first death) but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which can destroy both soul and body in hell, meaning the second death is the death of a soul!

And whosoever name is not written down in the book of Life will be cast into the Lake of fire (Revelation 20: 15).

We read in Malachi 4: 3-And you shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.

Psalms 69: 28-Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.

God will do away with all evil; as far as an eternal burning hell forever, I don’t believe it exists. I don’t want to witness anyone burning throughout eternity, nor does God. I think these disobedient souls will go up in a puff of Smoke in God’s consuming fire, as will Satan. Their names will be blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life. There will be no remembrance of them, as though they never existed in the first place!

The Bible states this in Revelations 21: 4 “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death (meaning, Satan will be done away with), no more pain, no more suffering because pain and suffering will be no more! The last enemy we face is death, another name for Satan, and Satan will go up in a puff of smoke forever and ever!

You may have a completely different picture of what happens to Satan and his angles, so believe what you may. However, allow me to bring something Jesus tried to explain to some stiff-neck scripture lawyers. This is where one of the scribes, or Sanhedrin, tried to trick Jesus, and they fooled themselves. They tempted Jesus, trying to trick him. They asked Jesus, ‘a curtain man who died and had seven brothers.’ As customary then, one of the brothers would take his brother’s wife as his own.

Following that, each brother died, and each brother took this woman as their
wife. The question asked by the priest was … “Who’s wife will she be in heaven”? Matthew 22: 29-30, :29-Jesus answered and said unto them, You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. Boy, I’ll bet that threw a monkey wrench into someone’s doctrine, taking someone’s fairy tales, turning them upside down, and shaking out some unicorn parts! Hopefully, giving them a glimpse of God’s REALITY!

The bottom line is, who wants to end up as Satan did and be removed from the presence of God? Wherever God the Father is… that is where Heaven or Paradise is. When people try to imagine heaven or paradise, they sometimes picture ethereal images like angels floating on clouds or chubby cherubs strumming on harps.

But, to be genuinely motivated to live for the values of heaven, maintaining a biblical mindset about eternal realities is essential to measure everything in accordance with our Father’s word! May what I have written only point you to our Father’s words!

My prayers are and will be… Let my words fall to the floor so that God’s word is lifted to the pinnacle of your imagination and becomes your reality! God bless you, and thank you for visiting our Buglers4Christ website, where controversy is standard procedure!

One thing I’m sure of… Hell is locked from the inside!

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